Smart Sleeve Tells Baseball Pitchers When to Get Off the Mound - IEEE Spectrum

2022-09-02 20:22:37 By : Mr. Ivan Zhao

The September 2022 issue of IEEE Spectrum is here!

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Photograph of Corey Kluber by Dylan Coulter

When St. Louis Cardinals pitcher Jordan Hickstakes to the mound, batters tremble. He has the same form as any other pitcher in Major League Baseball (MLB) as he throws the ball, but his results are extraordinary. In the windup, he steps back on one leg, lifting his other leg to raise his center of gravity. Then he strides forward, his hips swiveling, while his throwing arm extends back nearly parallel to the ground. As his arm comes forward, the muscles and ligaments in his elbow absorb over 100 newton meters of torque.

Hicks’s hand snaps forward, faster than the eye can see. If his arm were an engine, you’d see 1,200 rpm on the tachometer. Hicks’s fastballs have clocked in at 105 miles per hour (169 kilometers per hour), giving the batter less than a tenth of a second to recognize the pitch and react to it, trying to put bat on ball. But this repeatable miracle of biomechanics and talent does have a cost. In late June 2019, Hicks left a game with elbow pain—and it was soon revealed that he had torn a crucial ligament. He required what’s known as Tommy John surgery to repair the ligament and sat out the rest of the 2019 baseball season.

Baseball is at a crossroads. Pitchers are throwing at higher velocities than ever before, causing a surge of injuries to the ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) in the elbow, which connects the bones of the upper and lower arm. The number of Tommy John surgeries has skyrocketed over the past decade, and coaches, trainers, and players are desperately searching for technology to combat this epidemic. One ongoing MLB study uses motion capture to chart the pitching form of every new pitcher drafted into the league. It then combines that information with data from MRIs and other physical exams in an effort to identify players at risk of injury. While this campaign is laudable, a single assessment of pitching mechanics can’t predict injury over the years of athletic labor to come.

Back story: Coauthor Hansen’s high school coach didn’t like dataPhoto: Motus

There is a better way. Technologies now exist that allow for constant and long-term recording of a pitcher’s arm movements, enabling players to track and understand the stresses on their bodies.

At our sports technology company, Motus Global, we use consumer-grade sensors—the kind that have been perfected for smartphones—to gather biometric data related to an athlete’s ultimate workload. Our ­analytics use software models of muscle fatigue to help pitchers improve performance while decreasing risk of injury. By using affordable technologies, we put data not just within the reach of the 30 MLB teams but also their 160 minor league affiliates, hundreds of college teams, and thousands of youth-level teams around the country.

In 2015, we introduced our first wearable for baseball: Motus Throw, a compression sleeve with a sensor that tracks the motion of a pitcher’s arm. A companion iOS app and Web-based dashboard present ­analytics to players and coaches. In 2015, MLB approved our technology for use on the field during ball games. By 2019, about a dozen MLB teams were using our technology for training and rehab programs.

In the 2000s, professional baseball was overhauled by an approach that’s often called moneyball, in which teams used obscure performance statistics to better understand players’ true value. You could call our approach bioball—by bringing biological data into the mix, we think teams can take their performance to the next level.

To track a pitcher’s arm movement precisely, the Motus sensor uses a three-axis gyroscope and a three-axis accelerometer, taking measurements 1,000 times per second. While the system is always sampling, it records the information permanently only when it detects the movement signature of a pitch. Then it files away the stream of data beginning 4 seconds before the pitch and ending 1 second after. The unobtrusive sensor, which weighs 6.9 grams and measures 9 millimeters thick, causes no discernible changes in pitchers’ movement patterns.

The Motus Throw system for baseball pitchers uses a tiny sensor [in blue] containing an accelerometer and a gyroscope to track arm movement, taking measurements 1,000 times per second.

Our tiny sensor is incredibly accurate: Its results are comparable to the gold standard of motion-capture video, which requires high-speed cameras and specialized labs that can cost well into six figures. For motion-caption video recording, the player wears a spandex suit that’s dotted with position markers, which the cameras track to create a model of how the player’s body moves.

Motus began as a small motion-capture studio with a lab at the famed sports training facility IMG Academy, in Bradenton, Fla. But the problem with the motion-capture approach quickly became apparent: Throwing a ball in a lab while wearing a spandex suit doesn’t accurately simulate game conditions. An athlete’s biomechanical form, and thus the forces at work in the body, can be very different in such an artificial situation.

We still have a motion-capture setup in our performance lab: We currently use 16 Motion Analysis Raptor cameras for product testing and some other tasks for clients. But we put full faith in our sensor to do the same job as these fancy cameras. Independent studies by the American Sports Medicine Institute (ASMI), Driveline Baseball, and the MLB’s sport science committee have shown that Motus sensors are up to 95 percent as accurate and reliable as camera-based techniques for measuring key parameters such as elbow torque. This presents a clear advantage for in-game use, because motion-capture video isn’t easily adaptable for precisely tracking players on the ballfield.

Our Motus Throw devices have collected data from more than 10 million throws, at all levels of competition. Beginning in 2016, Motus embarked on a three-year study in cooperation with the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), collecting data from dozens of teams about pitchers’ throwing workloads and their injuries. We’re now preparing to mine that data.

But the device is helpful for more than just broad epidemiological studies. Take what happened at a small state college in Texas, where a baseball coach named Bryan Conger went all in with the Motus Throw in the 2017 baseball season, using the technology to manage his pitching staff. During workouts, Conger could check the analytics on his phone, watching how a pitcher’s workload metrics changed with every pitch. He used all the data to create individualized training programs for each pitcher and to determine which pitchers were ready on game day.

Conger says the Motus analytics enabled him to keep his top pitchers in the game for more innings than he would have otherwise, confident that their fatigue levels were within bounds. He also used his top pitchers more often, finding that some could pitch on successive days without going beyond their workload limits. Most important, his pitchers suffered no major arm injuries all season. Conger’s team, from Tarleton State University, made it to the NCAA playoffs that year. Shortly thereafter, Conger was hired away by an MLB team, the Texas Rangers, where he’s now working as a pitching instructor.

When teams first got their hands on the Motus Throw device in 2015, they were most excited about its ability to measure a force called elbow valgus torque. If you look at your elbow, you’ll see that it can be moved in three ways: You can curl your arm inward in the motion of a bicep curl, twist your arm as if turning a doorknob, and stretch your arm outward as if throwing a baseball. That last motion causes valgus torque, the force that stresses the UCL.

Armed with Data: The matchbox-size sensor (below) provides a wealth of information to baseball pitchers. When players want quick answers about their arm health, they can look at their “readiness” scores (above left). Those scores are calculated based on detailed measurements collected during every pitch (above center), including information about stress placed on the elbow and shoulder, and on analytics that use those measurements to assess the player’s muscle fatigue and overall workload (above right).Photos: Motus

When coauthor Hansen worked as a biomechanical specialist for the MLB’s Milwaukee Brewers, the team was focused on one-time assessments of pitchers’ valgus torque and using that data to predict future injury. But we now know that such snapshot measurements aren’t enough for accurate predictions, and that valgus torque is only part of the equation.

After our latest software update, the Motus Sleeve system no longer shows a measure of valgus torque in its analytics dashboard. Instead, it uses that measurement to calculate accumulated workload for the muscles of the forearm. We believe that the fatigue of these muscles is the most critical factor for a pitcher’s stamina and arm health.

Muscle fatigue, which we define as a decline in a muscle’s ability to generate force, is the single most significant predictor of pitcher injury. A study of youth pitchers by ASMI found that pitchers who threw while fatigued were 36 times as likely to require surgery. And while the concept of fatigue may seem simple, the physiology involved is quite complex.

We use two complementary measurements of fatigue to calculate workload. The first is acute fatigue, which is commonly seen in baseball games: A pitcher starts off fresh but is pulled from the game as performance declines. This acute fatigue comes about as muscles use up available energy. The other metric we track, which we call “chronic fitness,” increases as pitchers build resistance to acute fatigue through training—and simply by throwing more.

It may seem obvious that working out more increases a pitcher’s fitness. But in baseball today, there’s no objective way to capture this commonsense idea. Baseball’s standard ways of managing a pitcher’s workload are to keep count of how many innings they’ve pitched and how many pitches they’ve thrown. These catchall metrics aren’t based on a specific pitcher’s physiology and fitness, and they lead to subjective decisions about when to take pitchers out of a game and whether a pitcher has been “overused.”

To codify the relationship between intense physical stress and resilience built up over time, Motus partnered with Tim Gabbett, an Australian physiologist who initially worked with rugby players. Gabbett pioneered a measurement he calls acute chronic ratio (ACR), which we use in our Motus Throw system.

Measuring this ratio begins by determining a pitcher’s acute workload (the 9-day average of total valgus load) and a chronic workload (28-day average of valgus load). The ratio of these two averages provides a valuable measure of fatigue. Early in the season, when chronic loads are still low, a pitcher must sustain an ACR greater than 1.0 to build fitness. But it mustn’t go too high: In a recent study of high school pitchers conducted with the Motus Throw device, researcher Sameer Mehta found that throwing with an ACR over 1.3 multiplies an athlete’s risk of injury by 25.

“When I consult with organizations on concepts of acute and chronic workloads, I’m most often met with a reaction similar to what our fathers and grandfathers knew all along,” says Gabbett. “If you work hard at something, you get better at it. If you train appropriately, you prepare for demands of the sport.” Now we can quantify this age-old wisdom with solid data.

Since its initial launch in 2015, Motus has uncovered meaningful workload measures that are predictive indicators for elbow and shoulder injuries. The next step has been to turn these findings into software tools to help pitchers train in the sweet spot, building endurance without causing excess muscle fatigue.

For example, when a minor league pitcher who had been using the Motus Throw tore his UCL, we were able to look at the data to see what had gone wrong with his training regimen. We saw clear ­indicators of excess fatigue (his chart showed ACRs of greater than 1.3 and often greater than 2.0) due to both intense single-day workouts and the pitcher’s abrupt transition from throwing every other day to throwing six days per week. Through software simulation, we’ve shown that a different training regimen would have kept the ACRs lower and would likely have prevented the injury. We want Motus users to take heed of the red flags in the dashboard’s reports to keep their workloads manageable and healthy.

Christopher Camp, a physician at the Mayo Clinic of Sports Medicine, says baseball teams need to “embrace workload and fatigue measures” during both rehabilitation and preseason throwing. He uses the Motus Throw with patients and says he appreciates that the app now prescribes workload plans to pitchers that set an effort limit for each day. The app helps pitchers safely build chronic workload over months, he says, by making sure the ACR is moderately—not dangerously—elevated.

In pitching, avoiding injury and enhancing performance go hand in hand: When muscle fatigue sets in, injury risk increases and control and performance begin to decline. Zach Dechant, director of strength and conditioning at Texas Christian University, in Fort Worth, says workload data can be used to maximize a pitcher’s in-game stamina. He uses the Motus system to help his pitchers gradually build chronic fitness. “We use Motus [measurements of] workloads to prime our pitchers’ arms for success and to allow them to pitch deeper into games,” he says.

For decades, baseball coaches have relied on pitch counts and the subjective concept of overuse to manage their pitchers. Today, as we gain more insights into the relationship among workload, fatigue, and arm health, it’s clear that data-driven systems can do better to protect players from injury.

Pronation Torque: Experienced when the wrist twists around

Flexion Torque: Experienced when the arm curls inward

Valgus Torque: Experiences when the arm stretches outward, which places extreme stress on the hinge jointIllustrations: McKibillo

Sports physiologists have come to recognize that the forearm muscles protect the UCL from rupture. But to do so, they must have sufficient energy stores to contract effectively, thus keeping the UCL from taking too much strain. To drive each contraction, cells in the muscles convert glycogen, one of the body’s primary stores of energy, into the chemical adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Each successive pitch depletes the muscles’ glycogen stores, causing an energy debt. As a pitcher reaches the end of an inning, the muscles reach peak levels of fatigue. In between innings, the pitcher rests, and glycogen stores slowly recover over a period of minutes. This cycle continues until the energy debt is too great to recover from.

But how should this gradual decline be measured? Mike Sonne, a biomechanics expert who works with ­Canadian baseball teams, came up with the concept of “fatigue units” based on his study of this accumulative energy debt, which he modeled on the scale of milliseconds. Sonne developed his models using publicly available data from Pitchf/x and MLB’s Statcast system, both of which provide information about pitch velocity, release point, spin, and more. Now, using the Motus Throw to gather far more granular and precise data, Sonne anticipates further progress in understanding the biochemistry of pitching.

In the summer of 2019, Motus released an app update to provide information about fatigue units. With this data, pitchers can identify incidents of excess overload within a matter of hours—feedback that they can use to learn safe limits for their bodies and to determine when extra rest and recovery are needed.

By The Numbers: To help coaches manage their pitching staffs, the Motus system offers projections of each player’s readiness for a day on the mound.Photo: Motus

The current MLB rules allow players to wear the Motus Throw during games so that the device can collect data. But pitchers and coaches are not permitted to download that data or access it during a game; only afterward can they look at the analytics. We believe those rules will soon be revised—and we hope to lead the charge for in-game analytics. If a coach could track a player’s fatigue units during a game, maybe he could visit the mound at a moment when the pitcher really needs a few minutes to recover his strength. A coach would also have an objective measure of when a pitcher has reached his limit and should be taken out.

If coaches switch to a “bioball” management strategy based on biochemistry and physiology, the change might do away with endless postgame arguments over whether a player was left in for too long, causing an injury or the loss of a game. Such an evolution might be bad for talk radio. But if it’s good for players’ performance and bodies, we think baseball will consider it a win.

This article appears in the October 2019 print issue as “The New Science of Bioball.”

Will Carroll is brand manager and Benjamin Hansen is vice president of biomechanics and innovation for Motus Global, in St. Petersburg, Fla. For more on Hansen’s earlier life as a baseball pitcher, see “Baseball's Engineer: Ben Hansen Says Biometrics Can Save Pitchers' Elbows.”

Why not just build a drone that can be, and do, anything you want?

Evan Ackerman is a senior editor at IEEE Spectrum. Since 2007, he has written over 6,000 articles on robotics and technology. He has a degree in Martian geology and is excellent at playing bagpipes.

This article is part of our exclusive IEEE Journal Watch series in partnership with IEEE Xplore.

A couple years ago, we wrote about the Dual-rotor embedded multilink Robot with the Ability of multi-deGree-of-freedom aerial transformatiON—Dragon, of course. It’s one of the wildest drones we’ve ever seen, consisting of four pairs of gimbaled, ducted fans, with each pair linked together through a two-axis actuated joint, making it physically flexible in flight to a crazy degree.

Dragon is one of those robots with literally more degrees of freedom than it knows what to do with—in the sense that the hardware is all there. But the trick is getting it to use that hardware to do things that are actually useful in a reliable way. In 2018, Dragon was just learning how to transform itself to fit through small spaces, but now it’s able to adapt its entire structure to manipulate and grasp objects.

While we’ve seen a bunch of different flavors of drones with arms stapled to them, making the structure of the drone itself into the manipulator is a much more elegant solution.

In a couple of recent papers (in the International Journal of Robotics Research and IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters), Moju Zhao and colleagues from the University of Tokyo present some substantially updated capabilities for Dragon. It’s much more stable now, although as you can see in the video, Zhao seems to not be totally sure how resilient it is:

Impressive, right? And here it is turning some real industrial valves. Note that the force for the valve turning comes from propeller thrust, not the actuators:

It’s a little strange to watch this thing, honestly, because it’s behaving much like an under-development mobile manipulator. And I guess it is, technically, a mobile manipulator, just not in a form factor that we’re used to associating with that term, since it’s continuously airborne. But it’s easy to imagine all of the ways that Dragon could mobile-manipulate the heck out of things that a ground-based manipulator simply could not, and while we’ve seen a bunch of different flavors of drones with arms stapled to them for this very reason, making the structure of the drone itself into the manipulator is a much more elegant solution.

Or rather a potentially elegant solution, since Dragon is obviously still very much a research project. It weighs a hefty 7.6 kilograms, and while its payload is a respectable 3.4 kg, the maximum flight time of 3 minutes is definitely a constraint that will need to be solved before the drone makes it very far out of the lab environment. To be fair, though, this isn’t the focus of the research at the moment—it’s much more about expanding Dragon’s capabilities, which is a control problem. With the bananas amount of degrees of freedom that the system has, it’s theoretically capable of doing any number of things, but getting it to actually do those things in a reliable and predictable manner is quite the challenge.

As if that all wasn’t enough of a challenge, Zhao tells us that they are considering giving Dragon the ability to walk on the ground to extend its battery life. I can’t quite picture what that’s going to be like, but if it makes Dragon into even more of a dragon, I’m here for it.

Ray Liu on the importance of diversity and inclusivity

My great-grandfather was the kindest man I ever met. A self-taught accountant without formal education, he lived in the impoverished countryside of southern Taiwan. Legend has it that because members of the community viewed him as trustworthy, humble, and hardworking, they hired him to do their bookkeeping. He escaped a future of being a struggling farmer and was able to build a successful business.

He was also a vegetarian. While there were many special occasions and festivals in his sleepy village where meat was served, he always chose to eat his simple vegetarian meals away from others. I always wondered why. I came to learn that it was because my great-grandfather made a promise to Buddha.

Many years ago, my grandfather was a medical student studying in Japan. After a vacation home to Taiwan with my grandmother, they returned to Japan by boat, during which time he became very ill. World War II was raging, and medical supplies were limited. Unfortunately, by the time the necessary supplies reached my grandfather, it was too late. Later, my great-uncle went to Japan to study medicine and he also became quite sick. That was when my great-grandfather made a promise to Buddha: If you let my second son live, I will forever be a vegetarian to honor you. My great-uncle survived. My great-grandfather’s wish came true and until he passed away in his nineties, he never broke his promise, a simple vow between him and Buddha. A promise is a promise.

I strongly believe that integrity is the essence of everything successful, and character is what you do when no one is watching. Ethics serves as my ultimate guide for how I conduct myself both personally and professionally.

Because we are in a profession that often deals with innovation and safety, all members of our community—engineers, technologists, scientists, practitioners, and entrepreneurs—should have the highest ethical standards.

IEEE has recently revised its Code of Ethics, which encourages our members to strive to comply with ethical design and sustainable development practices. This is crucial given the global scale of the environmental, social, and political challenges that threaten to rapidly and critically impact the living conditions of current and future generations.

At the time of my grandfather’s death, my grandmother was pregnant with my mother. Because of this, she dropped out of medical school. During this era, a widow was expected to remain as such, even though my grandmother was only in her twenties. She chose to get remarried, an act that was unforgivable then. Thus, my mother was raised by my great-grandfather.

My grandmother was ahead of her time and dared to defy tradition. She was an outstanding athlete and an excellent student, with both ambition and potential. However, she lived during an era when women seldom received an education, not to mention the opportunity to attend medical school. In the end, tradition won. After remarrying, she had more children and became a housewife, not a doctor as she had planned. How many women in the world still face such obstacles?

Making progress in engineering, technology, and science is a global endeavor with worldwide implications. This progress is guided best by having an open, diverse, and inclusive mindset with the goal of developing and sharing innovative solutions for the benefit of all.


Throughout my lifelong relationship with IEEE—my professional home—what I have treasured most is having the opportunity to befriend colleagues from around the world, from different cultures, with different beliefs, ways of life, and languages. My work, with IEEE and professionally, has taken me to several continents to collaborate and work with others. Through this global network I have been able to learn from the best and brightest minds in the world, and have come to greatly appreciate the diversity of cultures of IEEE members. Everyone has their own unique wisdom to offer.

IEEE continues its efforts to strengthen diversity and inclusivity across the organization and in the broader technological community. The establishment of the IEEE Diversity and Inclusion Committee as a standing committee of the IEEE Board of Directors follows the organization’s long-standing commitment to maintaining an environment in which all are welcome to collaborate and contribute to the community, to support the growth of the profession and colleagues, and to advance technology for the benefit of humanity.

Additionally, IEEE has devoted considerable effort in the past few years revising policies, procedures, and bylaws to ensure that members have a safe, inclusive place where all feel welcome. These activities help ensure all our members have full access to the benefits of membership, including opportunities for professional development and recognition.

As president, I made a commitment to help shape the IEEE of the future by examining ways in which the organization can evolve to best meet the needs of all technical professionals. And I made a promise to every member from all of our diverse groups and regions, especially women and others from underrepresented communities, that they will have a fair opportunity for participation and leadership in our professional home. And a promise is a promise.

Please share your thoughts with me at

This article appears in the September 2022 print issue as “A Promise Is a Promise.”

Register for this webinar to enhance your modeling and design processes for microfluidic organ-on-a-chip devices using COMSOL Multiphysics

If you want to enhance your modeling and design processes for microfluidic organ-on-a-chip devices, tune into this webinar.

You will learn methods for simulating the performance and behavior of microfluidic organ-on-a-chip devices and microphysiological systems in COMSOL Multiphysics. Additionally, you will see how to couple multiple physical effects in your model, including chemical transport, particle tracing, and fluid–structure interaction. You will also learn how to distill simulation output to find key design parameters and obtain a high-level description of system performance and behavior.

There will also be a live demonstration of how to set up a model of a microfluidic lung-on-a-chip device with two-way coupled fluid–structure interaction. The webinar will conclude with a Q&A session. Register now for this free webinar!