J.B. Webb — Some days you never want to come in from fishing – Herald Democrat

2022-09-16 20:10:08 By : Ms. Alice Lu

Every now and then as we go through life, we have a day that is so good you don’t want it to end. This past Wednesday was one of those days that only come along now and then.

I was wanting to be on the water around 6:30 a.m. Peaches barked me awake at 5 a.m. I still laid around for about another 30 minutes. She was waiting for me when I came out of the bedroom and escorted me down the hall to make sure I didn’t stop.

After some coffee, I noticed it was almost 6 a.m.  She and Ginger were ready for the morning ride I give them every day. I quickly put on my Daisy Dukes and a t-shirt in a hurry, got the girls in the golf cart and I took off. Now it was a bit nippy with the wind and after two blocks I turned around and went back to get blue jeans and a long sleeve shirt.

After the ramp trip for them to sniff it out, it’s back to the house where Susan had breakfast waiting for them and I’m on my own.

My 6:30 a.m. takeoff was shot to pieces: I fixed breakfast, had more coffee and I headed for my truck and boat. Out the gate and down the road I was at the ramp in no time.

Launching I saw fish breaking in the back of our cove. I put down the trolling motor and started right there. I could see several schools of little bitty shad and these were what the sandbass were eating.

Cotton Cordell Lures just happens to have in their line of baits one called a Gay Blade. It’s a Solid Metal lure. I just happened to have some of them in a box. These were about the size of the shad the fish were busting.

These lures are small but heavy enough to make long casts. Use a retrieve just fast enough to feel it vibrate, it and the other Blade-size lures seem made for schooling fish but you don’t hear much about them.

Now they will hang up if you let them get too close to the bottom sometime. To cut down on this happening I cut off one of the three front hooks. The shad were moving fast and the fish followed, I managed to get a sandbass before they moved out.

I might have caught more of them except a big gar, I guess, was feeding on shad also decided he liked my Gay Blade. About four feet long and on 10-pound line, it took a while before I got him up to the boat.

I had my long tongs and as I reached down, he did a mighty roll and took a Gay Blade home with him.  It was a beautiful, comfortable morning and I was catching fish steadily. I was showing 80-degree water.

The wind was blowing gently in and kept the morning cool.  I mean I haven’t had a mild fishing day like this all summer. Before I left our cove, I caught a 3.95-pound bass according to my Bill Dance scales on a Booyah Spinner Bait off a boat house.

Not much later the same scales said I had caught a 2.34-pound bass on the Spinnerbait off the other side of the same boathouse. I’d like to say I caught some more bass like these but didn’t. I caught a drum and 16 black bass; not a Smallmouth in the bunch.

I missed another 10 or so. I was fishing mostly with the P60 Rebel Pop R. The only problem and reason I missed some was because they were smaller than the lure.

Just a thought: if there are so many of these little bass, next year is going to be lights out fishing for them.

The wind had picked up a little and the day remained comfortable. Now most all of the fish I caught came shallow and on windy points and rock banks. I also captured some of them on a Bandit Flat Maxx Shad crank bait. A few of those were barely much bigger than the lure. I got one on a Booyah Finesse Head Jig with a cut short YUM Worm on it.

Like I said it was one of those days when you just didn’t want to come in. You say why I didn’t stay out?  I had a leaking water heater I had to fix.

Results from Little Dixie Bass Club Night Tournament last weekend. Twelve teams fished and weighed in 50 fish. First was Alex and Joe Johnson with five at 16.95 pounds, second was Mark Besson and Bobby Vaughn with five going 15.16 pounds, third was Ed Larkins and Jon Clouse at five totaling 14.79 pounds, fourth was Ron and Rusty Giesler with five at 13.22 pounds and fifth was Sid Tolbert and Scott Lawson catching five weighing 11.36 pounds. Tournament big bass was a 4.95-pounder by Besson.

Football Time. The fearless forecaster says the Tigers come prowling in. We are playing Brock a team that started out in the top 10. This game is a tough one to Forecast.  Both teams have very good offenses but if the Tiger defense is as good as it has been so far, I predict Gunter wins by 14. This one will be a game to see as both went deep into the playoffs last year.

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