
2022-05-14 00:55:43 By : Ms. Amanda Liu

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Alliance Rubber Company, a leading global supplier of medical rubber bands (as well as many other latex-free products) provides Non-Latex® Rubber Bands and Strips for disposable surgical and isolation gowns.

The demand for PPE to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 has continued to rise. However, the rising awareness regarding hospital-acquired infections is the major driving factor contributing to the growth of the North American PPE market as a whole.

While face masks and face shields are crucial in preventing the spread of harmful microorganisms, surgical isolation gowns are critical in protecting medical staff and patients from the transfer of body fluids, particulate matter, and microorganisms during surgical (and many other) procedures. The rubber bands sewn into the cuffs and other areas of surgical gowns serve a very important role in creating the necessary sterile barrier between the surgical field and the surgeon’s clothes or exposed arms, keeping patients and doctors safe from infection.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) named “direct contact” as the most common of three primary routes in which healthcare workers and patients encounter harmful microorganisms. The CDC also found that healthcare workers have the potential for exposure to biological fluids that are capable of transmitting diseases caused by viruses such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C, human immunodeficiency virus, Ebola, and others. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of surgical isolation gowns (along with hygienic masks) effectively reduced the spread of the virus among patients and doctors. However, the surge in demand created significant shortages throughout the industry.

In addition to PPE shortages, a crippled supply chain continues to make it difficult to get other necessary medical supplies. It's for that reason that Alliance Rubber Company decided to prioritize the production of components for use in PPE. Now, hospitals and medical clinics can rely on shorter lead times and fresher stock of medical rubber bands that can be sterilized, rubber strips for use in PPE, and Non-Latex® Rubber Bands with Antimicrobial Product Protection - all from a domestic source.

As an American-made manufacturer since 1923, Alliance Rubber Co. has continually developed their manufacturing principles to optimize processes, boost innovation, and reduce time to market in a fast-paced, volatile, ever-changing global marketplace. Continuing to manufacture its products in the USA enables Alliance to provide high-quality products, fast service, and fresh stock that is built to last.

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