How to get used to the new braces

2022-09-02 20:09:51 By : Ms. Eva Wang

“Would I still be able to eat after getting braces” is one of the most frequent queries from patients. Yes, indeed! However, you will need to make a few simple dietary changes.

Getting braces is an investment in a beautiful and healthy future, and orthodontic treatment is lot more comfortable than it used to be. You can feel some sensitivity just after your braces are placed on for the first time or are tightened. It is acceptable to expect some discomfort during treatment because it will change the alignment of your teeth and possibly even the contour of your mouth.

Most of the time, over-the-counter pain medicines can lessen or perhaps completely get rid of your soreness. The hardest part for most individuals about having braces is getting used to new eating habits. Here are some ideas to keep you at ease while taking excellent care of your brackets.

During the first week, you have braces on, and your teeth and gums may hurt, so it's a good idea to stock your refrigerator with soft foods. The first step in easing discomfort while you get used to the little pressure of your new treatment is choosing a softer diet. Additionally, your orthodontist will adjust your braces every 8 to 10 weeks to maintain the progress of your smile makeover. You could feel a little pain following these adjustment appointments. 

It is easier to cut the fruits into bite-sized pieces rather than to bite into them, so avoid apples and other hard meals while you are receiving treatment. Biting into the entire fruit might cause your teeth to hurt and break off brackets. Choose soft bread, soft rolls, and tasty pastries instead of bread with tough crusts.

Avoid sticky candy. Even though it may be hard, sticky, or chewy, it's best to avoid candy because it could damage your braces by losing a bracket or popping a wire loose. However, not all candies are forbidden. Just make sure to brush and floss your teeth afterward.

Avoid biting into things like sandwiches, hamburgers, and corn on the cob with your front teeth. The rear teeth, which have a bigger bite surface, should be used to chew it instead of cutting it up.

You can eat various fast-food options while wearing braces. Keep in mind to avoid eating anything crunchy while getting treatment. Crunchy meals can damage your braces and necessitate an urgent visit to the clinic. 

Cut your food into little pieces and chew food slowly and properly. Forget about gulping down your food or taking huge chunks of anything. SLOW is the crucial word here. We advise you to take your time and be patient with yourself as your braces treatment may take a few days to adjust to. You can chew comfortably without harming your braces or aggravating your gums by choosing a softer diet. After the first week, you'll have additional options as you become accustomed to your braces and your altered bite.

After acquiring new braces, it's common for individuals to have some moderate stiffness for a few days. We advise gargling with warm salt water if your mouth hurts. Swish a mixture of one teaspoon of salt and eight ounces of warm water around your mouth. You can also take Tylenol or an OTC pain reliever to get the soreness under control.

Beyond choosing soft meals and avoiding sweets and sugary beverages, maintaining good dental health gives you the strongest foundation for enjoyable eating. Keep in touch with your orthodontist during your whole treatment to learn more about when to get adjustments, what to expect from your braces, and more. As often as possible, brush your teeth, floss your mouth, and clean your braces.

Follow your dentist's cleaning instructions to remove plaque, a sticky film that accumulates on your braces. After each meal, rinse your mouth to eliminate any leftover food particles.

When your braces are put on, it could be time to alter your way of living. When wearing braces, be mindful of your diet. You must make numerous dietary adjustments if you want to shorten the time it takes for you to heal. Therefore, eating wholesome meals like fruits, fish, and oats is better. Be careful to avoid items that are difficult to chew and sweet foods. 

Unhealthy diets will increase the amount of plaque under your brackets, which can lead to cavities. Being diagnosed with a cavity while wearing braces might be the greatest nightmare. For the course of your treatment, kindly refrain from eating anything unhealthy. Most orthodontists are always delighted to provide guidance on the healthiest foods to consume while wearing braces.

The author is a contributing writer at Dental News Pakistan and can be reached at

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