Forget Toothbrushes: These Robots Clean Teeth With Microscopic Precision

2022-07-29 20:09:11 By : Ms. Sunny Pan

When brushing your teeth, it is usual to use dental floss and a manual or electric brush, such as a double-sided brush made in Spain that brushes one at a time. A method that is efficient, but not perfect, as each denture is different. However, researchers have come up with a new technique that promises to remove plaque completely: Microrobots that change shape to fit teeth To clean them with perfect accuracy.

One of the main problems with toothbrushes is that they don’t take into account differences in the size or spacing of people’s teeth, leaving areas and cavities visible during brushing. To eliminate this inconvenience, engineers at the University of Pennsylvania in the United States have developed a system of microrobots. Able to resize to form bristles or dental floss,

Thanks to their ability to accommodate each individual’s teeth, these microrobots can effectively clean plaque and Release antimicrobials to kill harmful bacteria as evidenced by research, published in ACS Nano, Journal of the American Chemical Society. This is not the first time that such technology has been used, as previously some researchers in India had created nanobots, in this case, sneaking between teeth to clean them.

The new technology comes under the idea of ​​solving the main problem of toothbrushes, thus achieving one-millimeter cleaning of teeth. this technique It is made of nanoparticles of iron oxide Which can be assembled into various structures and controlled by magnetic fields.

In this way, they can be aligned using a magnet which the microrobot itself has to that form bristle-like structures to remove plaque from the surface of the teeth Or that they are reassembled into thin and long strings, similar to dental floss, to clean between teeth.

“Nanoparticles can be shaped and controlled with magnetic fields in amazing ways. We create bristles that can stretch, sweep and even move back and forth like flossing. the way it works is Similarly how a robotic hand can reach and clean a surface”, explains Edward Steiger, a researcher at the University of Pennsylvania and a co-author of the study.

Thanks to its ability to change shape, teeth can be cleaned more efficiently. However, this is not its only purpose, because iron oxide nanoparticles, in the catalytic reaction conditions, Produce antimicrobials that kill harmful oral bacteria, Therefore the washing is complete regardless of the size of the dentures.

Researchers Note That This Robotic Microswarm Will One Day Be Can act as toothbrush, flosser and mouthwash at the same time, “Regular oral care is cumbersome and can be challenging for many people. You have to brush your teeth, then floss, then rinse your mouth. The big innovation here is that the robotic system can do all three in an automated way.” could.” , says Hyun Koo, study co-author and professor at the University of Pennsylvania.

The team of researchers has already tested this technique, first on tooth-like slabs of the material, then on 3D-printed teeth, and then on real, human teeth. Tests that show microrobots can adapt to different sizes Efficiently remove plaque and sticky biofilm Which cause tooth decay and gum disease.

“It doesn’t matter if you have straight teeth or misaligned teeth, Will adapt to different surfaces, The system can fit into all the nooks and crannies of the oral cavity,” explains Koo. The team also found that they could precisely control the stiffness and length of the bristles by adjusting the magnetic field, allowing the tips to be cleaned. To be sufficiently firm, tooth and soft at the same time so as not to damage the gums.

The researchers also point out that the adaptability of microrobots leads to improved dental cleaning and that people with reduced motor skills have great potential to continue caring for their oral health. At the moment the people responsible continue to optimize the robot’s movements and Examine different ways of administering them through devices for the mouth,

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