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2022-09-23 20:42:21 By : Mr. Changlong Xu

Are you happy with your penis size, or do you really believe a few inches can make it look better? The market is full of penis extender products, offering penis enlargement, including diet pills, exercise guides, tools, and devices, but how to be sure you are not wasting money while picking any of these?

There is a lot of misconception about the ideal penis size, and the research reveals that men sometimes underestimate their size too. The average penis size is between 5 to 6 inches, but most men think their size is short, and they start looking for penis enlargement remedies. Not a surprise that most of these products and remedies are fake and scams. Yet, there are a few of them that can work for you. Let’s find out which penis extender is worth spending the money on, with efficient and fast results.

These are the six best options for penis enlargement devices. Some of these are even recommended by doctors, whereas others are regular, over-the-counter products. These top picks are chosen from hundreds of options, based on their high-grade quality, better results, customer satisfaction, and comfort level. Finding the right product can make sex enjoyable for you and improve fertility and hormonal health.

Here is a small description of our top suggestions.

The first name in this list is QuickExtender Pro, a classic device that stretches the penis, relaxes the surrounding muscles, and adds length. It has an extendable length, and 4-6 hours per day is recommended to get the best results. According to customer reviews, it adds an increase of up to 28%, and this experience is super comfortable. You can wear it around the house, doing routine tasks, but you cannot sleep in it.

This device is different from the ‘modern’ devices you see around, using vacuum or belt-based design. It is best for people that prefer the classics, and using it is fairly simple then other similar devices. It has been around for more than a decade, and the company has always received appreciation for its high-quality and hypoallergic materials used to make these devices.

Using it adds a persistent but controlled pressure to the penis, making the shaft of the penis stretch. You will be required to wear the device for a few hours to make it work. Do not worry about discomfort and uneasiness because it only offers light stretching, which is not uncomfortable. The technology used by this tool is to promote blood flow towards the penile area and also cause some microscopic tears to form that is painless and invisible. If you feel pain or see some bruising, it is time to slow down the therapy and limit your movement while using it. The micro-tears help the skin to grow and add size through tissue growth.

Based on the thousands of happy customer reviews, it is clear that Quick Extender Pro surely works, but you have to use it the right way and give some time to take action.

The price seems affordable, and the company offers four packages to choose from. For example, the Deluxe Limited Edition costs $436.93, but you can only get it for $349.93. The package includes so many goodies, in addition to the penis extender. These goodies include a case, booster pump, tension springs, DSS system, memory foam comfort pads, instructional DVDs, progress tracker charts, and many others. It has a 180-day warranty period, during which the customer can choose to return it and get his money back.

Other packages include The Deluxe Standard Edition, The Value Edition, and The Curvature Correction and Peyronies edition.

Do not worry about product safety because Quick Extender Pro penis enlargement is 100% safe and smooth. Read the instructions carefully and never go too fast, aggressive or move a lot while using this device. The results will require patience and commitment, and as long as you follow these two, the results will be steady, visible, and long-lasting.

Click Here To Buy Quick Extender Pro From The Official Website Today 

Phallosan Forte is an advanced penis extender that offers both an increase in length and girth. According to the official website, it is based on penile traction therapy, also called PTT, a way of improving a shrunk or curved penis which is typically an after-effect of a disease. If not treated, this curved penis can affect your sexual performance and lead to frustration and stress. Using this device can help against this issue, offering semi-permanent results with better erections and more enjoyable orgasms.

People that want to see a visible size change or try PTT can try this product and straighten their penis to enjoy sex more. Reading the customer reviews reveals it has a highly positive response and satisfactory results. This device is like a drug-free version of a penis enlargement plan, made with medical-grade material with a comfortable design and fit. Yet, some users may experience irritation, tightness, or inflammation because it has to be worn for many hours.

Using the Phallosan Forte device is easier than it looks. The user is advised to wrap the penis, using the template, and place the protector cap on the penis cap. After that, they can insert the penis directly into the suction bell, through the bulb, and use a sealing condom all over the penile shaft. Finally, remove the suction bulb and join the bell to the belt clip, viola, it is all set to work.

The time advised for using it is up to six hours a day, at least five days a week, while some users have been using it comfortably for up to 12 hours a day. The price of this device is $379.00, and free delivery. The official website has listed studies showing it can cause a flaccid increase of 3.5cm, erected increase of 3.8 cm, and a 1.4 cm girth increase in three months. After six months, the users can expect up to a 4.9 cm increase in flaccid penis size, a 4.8 cm increase in erected penis size, and a 2.5 cm increase in girth.

There is a two years warranty on the spare parts, and the company says you can even sleep in it if you are comfortable.

Phallosan Forte has no side effects unless the product is used the wrong way. Wearing it excessively or improperly can cause numbness, mild pain, or swelling. PTT devices are helpful against the curved and shrunken penis and carry minimal risk of adverse side effects. The best is to start slowly and gradually increase the wearing time to avoid undesirable effects.

Click Here To Buy Phallosan Forte From The Official Website 

If you are looking for a medical grade to increase your penis size, SizeGenetics can help you. Being bigger adds to the confidence of a person, and finding a safe device to use with positive feedback from the customers, is highly desirable. This penis extender is best for people that want long, thick, and correct curvature of their penis without going to a doctor and spending thousands of dollars. It is based on real science and follows a painless method to add inches into length and girth, making it one of the best available options.

Finding the best penis enlargement device can be tricky because most options are either too expensive or too risky to try. The only medical option here is to go under the knife, which is an extremely painful and costly. SizeGenetics is a simple device you can use daily, with visible results within a few months. It has been in the business since 1995, and during all these years, the company has established a prestigious name. It gives a full money-back guarantee on all orders, and if a person is not satisfied with the offerings, he can get his money back.

It works on increasing the penis size by using elongation bars and some straps and creates comfortable traction on the penis. This traction can cause small tears, which are quickly healed and cause no pain. When the cells start growing to heal these tears, they start adding volume, making a visible size increase. You may have to measure your penis before using the device to set up the device right. The complete instructions on how to use this device are already posted on the official website, and every new customer is advised to read them before using them.

You can add as much tension as possible by adjusting the thumbscrews on the base. Turning them more will increase the tension, so be gentle and always take a slow start. As you will be wearing this device for hours, adjust the tension to a level that the device does not feel uncomfortable. The results can take up to 12 weeks to show, so you have to use the device once a day for three to six hours.

There are multiple options to buy it, including the Value Edition (costs $199.95), the Comfort Package (costs $249.95), the Ultimate System (costs $299.95), and the Peyronie’s Disease Home Treatment (costs $299.95). Each package includes various tools, parts, and bonuses. You can also buy the accessories separately if you want to change them after some time. The shipping costs apply to all orders, depending upon the location, and the company offers one year guarantee on the purchases.

Click Here To Buy SizeGenetics Penis Extender From The Official Website 

MaleEdge is one of the best penis extender machines for beginners, as it is super easy and comfortable. It promises up to 29% growth in length and 19% in girth within a few months through a regular usage routine. This device is created on traction technology, which is scientifically proven for size increase and curvature fixation.

The idea of penile tear may sound bizarre, but the same thing happens when you lift weights or work out in the gym. The lifting causes small tears in the muscles, and the healing fills them, making the tissue bulk. The penis tissue works the same, but instead of weight lifting, the similar is achieved through traction devices that stretch the penis gently. Some users may feel a little soreness down there because no one is used to wearing these devices. This feeling goes away within a few weeks, and soon the results show that it will make the user forget about this initial discomfort.

While most penis enlargement tools are created for people with medical conditions, the Male Edge is created for common people, with no underlying issue affecting their penis size. It is best for people on a limited budget, and those looking for a general improvement in penile health. Despite its simple design, it offers between 2 to 8 inches increase in size, which is surprisingly higher than even some professionally created devices. But the results may not be the same for every user and largely depend on how it is used.

It comes in a boxed pack with the device, tools, accessories, straps, pads, informational DVD, training diary to record readings, and much more. It is made of plastic and is waterproof. You can easily clean it, after using it as per your likings. The basic pack costs as low as $149, followed by that MaleEdge Pro, which costs $199, and MaleEdge Extra, which costs $174. All orders are protected by the money-back guarantee. The company will refund your entire order value if there are no results despite the 600 hours of training using this device. Further, it offers two years warranty on the parts and products, and you can contact them within 14 days to notify them regarding the product returns.

Click Here To Buy MaleExtra From The Official Website 

Jes Extender is among the very first penis enlargement device that was launched. It has been around for more than 20 years and has helped hundreds and thousands of people to gain confidence that is lost because of their penis size. According to customer reviews, it is a reliable and highly efficient device that offers noticeable results without a long waiting time. The company states that users can increase their penis size by 20% to 30% using the microscopic tear technique, which is entirely painless and free from discomfort.

It comes as one unit, and there is no assembly required. It has a ring that you have to place on the base of your penis. The rubber strap on the device is used to fasten the device. Use it over or under the foreskin, whichever feels comfortable to you. There are two bars that run along the length of your penis and are extendable to a few inches. You can adjust them to a level where the pressure is not too much to handle, and the device feels easy on the shaft. As a general rule, the more the rods are extended, the more will be pressure on the penis. The company has listed complete guidelines on using this device on the official website. You can also read the testimonials to learn the tips, tricks, and things to avoid while using this penis enlargement device.

The company recommends using it for 4-6 hours every day, but you can start from 1-2 hours and gradually increase this time later. Some users have even shared using it for 12 hours a day, but it is not a very practical idea or recommended by the company. There is a schedule mentioned on the website explaining the weekly guide on traction settings and the hours per day for optimal results. For example, during the first two weeks, you can choose traction between 28-42 oz for 1-2 hours per day. It increases in the following weeks, and this gradual shift makes using this device easier.

The users can expect up to a 10% increase in 2-3 months and up to 28% increase in length, followed by up to 19% increase in girth within 5-6 months. It also fixes the curvature issue and corrects the direction of the penis. Usually, six months are more than enough for noticeable changes, but you can continue using it if you want more, but use the device moderately.

The price is affordable, and the company offers one year warranty on the parts. There are different packages to choose from, all of which are covered by a money-back guarantee. However, you have to provide your weekly progress to the company along with before and after pictures.

Click Here To Buy Jes Extender from The Official Website 

If you are into trying innovative technologies and bored with the same local tools, try this German-made device that is among the best penis extenders of 2022. This device can single-handedly improve size, firmness, and erections without any slightest discomfort or pain. At first glance, it may look like a simple and average penis enlarger, but there are many reasons that make it unique.

It can help men with different penis sizes, lengths, and girth and is considered one of the medical-grade products because of its practical design. It can not only add length but also add thickness to the penis, correcting the direction, and it can even recover small injuries in the skin. Some people have even called it a non-surgical penis extender that costs a fraction of the surgery and involves zero pain and aftercare, but the results can be variable in all users.

It comes in different variations, The PeniMaster Classic, PeniMaster Pro Basic, PeniMaster Pro Weight Expander, PeniMaster Pro belt expander, and PeniMaster Pro rod expander. The prices are different as per the model you choose. The official website has written and video-based instructions on how to use these devices right. All these models work on the same principle: to add pressure to the penis, and the cell grows faster.

Unlike other devices, this one is a little expensive and may not be suitable for someone on a low budget. Besides, it requires a huge commitment to get results; if the user is careless, the results will be delayed. This device can even be worn while sleeping, working, or doing daily chores. But it is better not to be involved in any strenuous activity, or the device can cause inflammation or bruise. There are no other side effects if the instructions are followed.

Click Here To Buy PeniMaster Pro From The Official Website 

Here are some general questions and answers to help find the best penis enlargement device among all available options.

The size increase is a part of growth; with age, all body parts, including the penis, increase in size. Many times it appears to be small when the body is overweight, diabetic, or has unhealthy lifestyle habits. And this small size can drastically affect a person’s confidence and sexual performance. If there is no medical reasoning for size, losing weight and adopting healthier habits can cause significant changes to penis size. These devices can further improve this progress, as they work by applying tension, and cellular growth is enhanced.

If you want a permanent lifetime enlargement of the penis, surgery is a better option. It has guaranteed results that almost take no time. The only time it takes is post-surgical healing, which is no more than a few weeks. However, surgery is not a suitable option for many; besides, it is painful and costs a fortune, and not every one can afford it. A safer and cheaper alternative is to find the best penis extender device and use it for a few months to see results.

Yes, every penis extender machine is created for an adult body, and no one below the age of 18 should use it. Normally, when the body is in a growing phase, it does not need artificial devices and external help. So people in the growing phase do not need to use such options unless suggested by a doctor as a part of medical treatment. If you are not sure about using this product, talk to the doctor and discuss it with him before spending money on a random product.

There are hundreds and thousands of options, and all say that they are based on scientific evidence. To everyone’s surprise, these penis extenders are almost similar because they follow the same approach for the same goal. However, there are a few things unique to every company, model, or make, such as materials, design, color, price, etc. Some of them come with a strap, while others have a vacuum; some are medically graded, while others are regular fit. Based on what are your preferences, you can pick the product that suits you well.

There is no standard time to observe the results, and the time required by every individual can be different. Some people are able to observe changes within a few days, while others may take weeks. Read the product description you intend to use, or talk to the customer support team to get more information on how to get the best results.

There are no side effects of using penis stretchers unless you use them incorrectly. People with underlying medical issues and physical disabilities may have additional concerns, which can only be helped by a doctor. Others, with no such issue, can use these devices safely. Read the guidelines shared by the companies on how to use these tools to be safe. Do not experiment or use these devices for tricks; check the material information beforehand to know any hypoallergenic material inside.

The idea of using a penis extender may sound bizarre to many, but it is not uncommon. It is a well-known fact that penis size is often associated with better sexual stamina and strength. Men take pride in their ‘size,’ and their confidence can shatter if there is an issue regarding the size. Normally, four to six inches is the standard penis size, but some men are blessed with more inches, leaving others envious.

Penis extending devices can help increase the size if used rightly. The problem is that the market is full of such products, and finding legitimate options may be tricky. The aforementioned six best penis extender devices can give an idea of what is popular and which product has the highest customer satisfaction rate. Go through these options and choose the one that meets your requirements best.

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