AEW Dark Results (08/23) - The Factory Vs. Dante Martin And Matt Sydal, Daniel Garcia Vs. Westin Blake

2022-08-26 20:19:10 By : Mr. Yong Wu

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s official results of AEW Dark on August 23, 2022!

Jericho Appreciation Society member Daniel Garcia will be taking on a debuting Westin Blake. Garcia looks to score a win ahead of his face-to-face confrontation with leader Chris Jericho to determine where his true loyalties lie. Blake previously wrestled for WWE under the ring name Wesley Blake as part of the Forgotten Sons. KiLynn King looks to score a win against Mafiosa ahead of her match against Britt Baker this coming Wednesday on "Dynamite". The Acclaimed's Max Caster will be squaring off with Justin Cotto. Anthony Ogogo of The Factory will be taking on Meto. Blake Christian will also be facing Lucky Ali while Jora Johl will be facing Vary Morales

Several tag team matches are also set for tonight. Aaron Solo and Nick Comoroto of the Factory will be taking on Dante Martin and Matt Sydal. Dark Order's Alex Reynolds, John Silver and Preston "10" Vance will be taking on Tyshaun Perez, DK Vandu and Joey Sweets in trios action. Ari Daivari, Slim-J and Parker Boudreaux of the Trustbusters will be taking on Ryan Howe, Omar Amir and Cash Flo. The leader of the Wingmen, Ryan Nemeth, and his teammate "Pretty" Peter Avalon will be squaring off against Adrian Alanis and Liam Gray. The dominant team of Josh Woods and Tony Nese will be facing off against GKM and Oliver Sawyer. The newly dubbed Iron Savages (formerly known as Bear Country) will take on Manny Lo and Sean Maluta. JD Drake and Anthony Henry of The Workhorsemen will be taking on Dean Alexander and Rosario Grillo. Twin sisters Robyn and Charlette Renegade will also be facing Rocky Radley and Allie Recks.

We are live! The show begins with Excalibur and Taz greeting audiences at home. The Renegade Twins head to the ring, with Allie Recks and Rocky Radley already waiting in the ring.

Robyn and Radley begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Radley gains the upper hand and tags in Recks. Charlette tags in and delivers a vicious chop to Recks. She chokes her on the middle rope before Robyn tags back in. The twins deliver a double delayed vertical suplex before Robyn goes for a pin. Recks kicks out and Charlette tags back in. Recks hits a double DDT on them before tagging in Radley. The twins deliver a neck breaker spine buster combo for the win.

Anthony Ogogo heads to the ring, with Meto already waiting inside. 

The bell rings and the two lock up. Ogogo locks Meto in an arm and crossface submission before the referee forces the break. They exchnage submissions before Ogogo delivers an overhead throw followed by several uppercuts and a back elbow. He delivers an overhand palm strike, then sends him to the mat. He delivers the Pop Up Right Hand, knocking out Meto for the win.

The Wingmen head to the ring, with Liam Gray and Adrian Alanis already waiting inside.

The bell rings and Nemeth and Avalon knock Alanis and Gray from behind. Nemeth delivers several knees to Gray, then tags in Avalon. Avalon beats down Gray before delivering a suplex. He goes for a pin, but Avalon kicks out. Gray rolls up Avalon, but Avalon kicks out. Gray delivers a jawbreaker, but Avalon catapults Gray into the corner. He delivers a crossbody before tagging in Alanis. Alanis sends Avalon to the mat before delivering a dropkick-senton combo. Avalon delivers an insiguri before delivering the splash for the win.

After the match, Tony Schiavone heads in the ring and interviews them. Avalon says they're on the board and Nemeth says they are the Kings of "AEW Dark". They say they will make AEW pretty. 

Blake Christian heads to the ring, with Lucky Ali already waiting inside. 

The bell rings and the two lock up. They exchange submissions before Christian whips Ali into the corner and follows it up with the split legged moonsault. He goes for a pin, but Ali kicks out. Christian delivers a boot to Ali, followed by an insiguri. He hits a lariat, followed by a jumping knee and a stomp to the back of Ali's neck. Ali is sent to the outside and Christian delivers a taupe suicida. He tosses Ali back in the ring before hitting a superplex off the top. He hits a Twisting Neck Breaker, followed by a modified curb stomp for the win.

After the match, Christian thanks fans for his support. He says he is back on track and looking for success with whoever and whenever. 

Jora Johl comes to the ring, with Vary Morales already waiting inside. 

The bell rings and Johl pushes Morales to the mat. Johl rolls to the outside and Morales delivers a crossbody off the top. Johl sends him careening to the floor before tossing Morales back in the ring. He delivers a couple of brutal chops, followed by a kick to Morales' face. The two men climb to the top as Johl delivers a superplex. Morales delivers a few kicks to Johl's midsection and face before Johl fires back with a pump kick as Morales goes flying off the top for the win.

Max Caster head to the ring, with Justin Cotto already waiting inside. Caster cuts his rap promo and picks someone to do Bowens part. 

The bell rings and Caster offers to scissor Cotto. Cotto hits him instead before Caster hits him with a couple of elbows and an uppercut. Caster hits a kick to Cotto's midsection before Cotto hits an insiguri. Caster hits a drop kick, then goes for a pin but Cotto kicks out. Caster scissors the referee before hitting another kick. Cotto sends Caster to the mat, then goes for a shooting star press. Caster rolls out of the way before hitting a back drop. He follows it up with the Mic Drop for the win.

The Factory head to the ring, followed by Dante Martin and Matt Sydal. 

The bell rings and The Factory attacks Sydal and Martin from behind. Martin hits a drop kick on Comoroto before doing the same to Solo. Sydal delivers a Slice Kick, followed by a senton to Solo. Martin tags in and delivers a kick to Martin's midsection. Comoroto tags in and sends Martin into the apron and the barricade. Comoroto tosses Martin back in the ring. He beats him down before tagging in Solo. Solo delivers a jumping knee, then goes for a pin but Martin kicks out. Solo delivers several stomps to Martin's midsection before whipping him into the corner. He delivers a suplex, then goes for a pin but Martin kicks out. Comoroto tags in and delivers a bodyslam. He looks for a corkscrew, but Martin moves out of the way. Comoroto delivers a German Suplex to Martin before tagging Solo back in.

Martin makes the hit tag to Sydal and he hits the Meterora. He delivers a baseball slide to Solo before delivering a Teharis off the top. He goes for a pin, but Solo kicks out. Sydal delivers a hurricanrana, then goes for a pin but Comoroto breaks it up. Comoroto delivers a bodyslam, followed by a clothesline. Solo delivers a double boot to Sydal, then goes for a pin but Martin breaks it up. Martin tags in and delivers the Nose Dive for the win.

Winners: Dante Martin and Matt Sydal

Daniel Garcia heads to the ring, with Westin Blake already waiting inside. 

The bell rings and the two lock up. They exchange submissions before Garcia delivers a drop kick. He goes for a pin, but Blake kicks out. Blake delivers a chop, followed by a kick. Garcia delivers a massive chop before Blake returns the favor. They exchange more chops before Garcia delivers a backdrop. He follows it up with a running knee, then goes for a pin but Blake kicks out. Blake delivers a kick to his face, followed by a Pendulum Piledriver. He goes for a pin, but Garcia kicks out. Blake delivers a bodyslam, before Garcia manages to hit an inverted suplex before locking in the Dragon Sleeper for the win.

The Trustbusters head to the ring, with Ryan Howe, Omar Amir and Cash Flo already waiting inside.

Slim and Flo begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Daivari tags in as he beats down Flo. Amir and Boudreaux tag in before Boudreaux sends Amir straight to the mat. Howe tags in and Boudreaux takes him down. Boudreaux clotheslines Amir out of the ring before tagging in Slim. Boudreaux powerbombs Slim into Howe before hitting an assisted Sliced Bread for the win.

After the match, Daivari introduces their new butler, Jeeves D.K. and says fans will be seeing much more of them in the coming weeks. 

Dark Order heads to the ring, with Tyshaun Perez, DK Vandu and Joey Sweets already waiting inside.

Silver and Sweets begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. They exchange submissions before Silver delivers a powerslam and a running uppercut. Reynolds tags in and the two deliver a low double drop kick to Sweets. Perez tags in and Reynolds takes him down with a lariat. Vandu tags in and delivers a few knees to Reynolds' midsection. Reynolds delivers some right hands to Vandu's back before Sweets tags back in. 10 tags in and he takes down Sweets with a lariat. 10 hits a pump kick, followed by a spine buster. Reynolds tags back in and Dark Order hit the Pendulum Bomb for the win.

After the match, Tony Schiavone gets in the ring and asks them about their upcoming Trios Title Match. Silvers says that he's disappointed no one has them getting past the first round. Reynolds says no one has a stronger bond than the three of them and says they will be the first ever Trios Champions.

Tony Nese, Josh Woods and "Smart" Mark Sterling head to the ring, with GKM and Oliver Sawyer already waiting inside.

Woods and Sawyer begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Woods sends Sawyer to the mat before delivering a German Suplex. He goes for a pin, but GKM breaks it up. Woods delivers a double knee to Sawyer before delivering an assisted side slam for the win.

Winners: Josh Woods and Tony Nese

After the match, Tony Schiavone gets in the ring and asks Sterling about the neck break. He says he's going straight to the top and says Moxley stole their "Dynamite" opportunity and stole money from his pockets. He says they are exploring a lawsuit against the entire Blackpool Combat Club due to Mox's actions and Wheeler Yuta dethroning Woods as the ROH Pure Champion. He says he knows there's a Swiss Bank Account and he knows Danielson has money, but his wife has more. He says that BCC should be watching their e-mail to see if they get served.

Iron Savages (now going by simply Bronson and Boulder) and JT Davidson head to the ring, with Manny Lo and Sean Maluta.

Boulder and Lo begin the action. The bell rings and Boulder runs over Lo. He tags in Bronson before Bronson delivers a splash. Boulder delivers a chokeslam to Lo before Maluta gets in some offense. Bronson sends Maluta into Lo with a Death Valley Driver before Boulder slams Bronson into the pair with an assisted cannonball for the win.

After the match, Tony Schoavone asks about their change and Davidson says everything requires change. Davidson reintroduces himself and says this has nothing to do with luck. He says the Savages will take over before handing the mic to Bronson. He says they have never needed fan validation to know they are All Elite. He says he will eat anyone alive. Davidson says that everyone in the back is now on notice.

The Workhorsemen head to the ring, with Rosario Grillo and Dean Alexander already waiting inside.

Drake and Grillo begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Drake delivers a shoulder block, followed by a clothesline. Drake delivers a vicious chop before Henry tags in. Henry delivers a kick to Grillo, followed by one to his back. Henry delivers a neck crank, followed by a knee and a kick. Henry delivers a chop before Grillo tags in Alexander. Henry delivers a running double knee strike before hitting a diving double foot stomp. Drake hits a moonsault press for the win.

KiLynn King comes to the ring, with Mafiosa already waiting inside.

The bell rings and the two lock up. They exchange submissions before King hits a drop toe hold and a kick to Mafiosa's head. Mafiosa hits several knees on King, followed by an ax kick. Mafiosa sends King's head off the top rope, but King fires back with several right hands. King delivers a running knee to Mafiosa, followed by a kick to her head. She delivers a pump handle slam to Mafiosa for the win.

After the match, Tony Schiavone heads to the ring and asks King for her thoughts on her match against Britt Baker. King says it's great to be back and says she was fortunate to find her way to AEW. She says she made sure to bust her butt in the company before making the choice to head back to the indies and making a name for herself. She says she ended up back in the company against Toni Storm last week and gets to face Baker in her hometown.

Baker's music hits and she heads to the ring in a Pittsburgh Steelers jersey. She tells King to stop boring fans with her talk of Cleveland. Baker says she doesn't stand a chance before saying she didn't want to come out here. She states King's sob story made her sick and asks if fans are supposed to be impressed. Baker says she has built AEW and an empire from the ground up while still making it to her dental office. She says she is the face of the women's division.

King says that she took the time to come here and talk, but she's going to deny people their match. King says she knows how much Baker likes to bleed, so she should bust her open right now. Baker says that a drop of her blood is worth more than anything King could do. King attacks Baker and fires off elbow. They spill to the outside as King sends Baker into the barricade. Referees separate them as King stands tall.